5日午時12時许,9名台灣回复航空出鐵皮屋,事航班上大陆旅客的家眷搭乘华航AE992航班前去台北桃园機场。同業的另有5名厦門两家观光社成員。記者在厦門高崎機场從一名厦門航空事情职員处领會到,上午8時45分,另有4名家眷乘坐厦航MF887航班前去台北。厦門市遊览局郭道圣处长则在接管記者采访時先容,估计今天會有18名家眷前去台灣。郭道圣還流露,厦門市官方應急和谐事情组也已于上午赶往台灣。Family members of mainland passengers walk to go through security check at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 5, 2015. SixONAKA膳食纖,teen of the 31 confirmed deaths in the Taiwan TransAsia Airways plane cra牙周炎牙粉,sh were Chinese mainland residen生髮治療,ts. As of 9:45 a.m. Thursday, the fatal crash had left 31 dead, 15 with injuries, and 12 missing. All the missing passengers are tourists from the Chinese mainland. Three other mainland passengers were injured. Family members of these mainland passengers have already been arranged to go to Taiwan. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)