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發表於 2021-8-17 18:54:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
2013年9月5日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --中國台灣股癬怎麼治療,地域决议增强成长醫療器械研發力度,當局将采纳税務减免和當局嘉奖等鼓励辦法来鼓動勉励企業進入醫療器械行業,加强研發气力。据本地媒體报导,當局正在筹备一项法令草案以帮忙紧密器械出產者成长其產物。现现在,亚洲和台北機車借款,其他新兴市場已成了國际醫療器械巨擘必争之地,如Medtronic、Boston Scientific、Covidien等醫療器械范畴的领头羊都已火烧眉毛的起头瓜分這些市場份额。而台灣地域2011年醫療器械的贩卖总额到达了34亿美元,這一数字在2012年又增长了7%。(生物谷Bioon.com)

Taiwanese legislators say they're on the cusp of passing tax cuts and government subsidies to support medical device company R&D and training, some深層肌肉放鬆器,thing likely to help kickstart further industry growth there.

The Taipei Times reports the legislature will prepare a draft bill on the matter in its upcoming session with an eye toward aiding makers of high-risk medical devices in particular who are focused on local development and manufacturing. Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng told the news organization his peers agree such a bill should be passed and that they're focusing right now on hashing out the details.

Asia and other emerging markets remain the next big frontier for medical device multinationals, including Medtronic ($MDT), Boston Scientifi治療靜脈曲張,c ($BSX), Covidien ($COV), General Electric ($GE) and many others. How big? Taiwan medical device and equipment sales nearly hit the $3.42 billion mark in 2011 and jumped 7% higher in 2012. That level of growth is robust, to be sure, and Taiwan's leaders are doing everything they can to keep the positive trajectory going and maybe even accelerate it.

Outside of China and India, Taiwan offers enormous opportunities for companies seeking new markets, but also a sophisticated healthcare market in which to develop and make their products. Similarly, Taiwan wants to grow its own medical device manufacturing, and tax credits and subsidies will spur development of companies and technologies that can compete with the big guys in emerging markets and beyond.

The Taiwanese government launched an initiative in 2012 to nurture industry growth in kidney dialysis machinery, respiratory care equipment, in vitro diagnostic technology, microsurgery and high-end dental device tech. Tax cuts and subsidies to spur development of new products will help keep the growth engine running, and they may even accelerate how much it expands down the line.

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